Fashion Reimagined – Review

‘Fashion Reimagined’ directed by Becky Hutner explores the world of fashion, sustainability, and the very real impact that fast fashion has on our world. I had the opportunity to introduce this film at the Edinburgh International Film festival 2022, in which I discussed how fashion may not be something each of us think about every day, but it impacts all our lives. Without knowing it, we make fashion decisions every day. Whether we dress head to toe in the latest microtrends or wear the same sturdy jeans that have lasted for over five years, we still contribute negatively or positively to the planet.

The film follows designer Amy Powney on her journey to create a fashion line that is completely sustainable. The film shows the difficult journey to make sure that every part of the clothes’ making process is genuinely sustainable and not just ticking greenwashing boxes. Amy comes across an incredible family run business that makes sure all the workers and animals are treated well and that the quality of the fabric is the best that it can possibly be. It gives us hope to see these thriving businesses that are making a genuine difference, but when Amy tries to retain this exact fabric, it is clear that bigger companies are less worried about the quality and sustainability of their fabrics. The difficult process of dealing with larger manufactures poses a threat to the sustainable fashion world. The prospect of making a profit appears to be more important to larger corporations, some were not even able to trace where their materials were coming from which is a huge issue for Amy’s sustainability line. Amy’s business is just one of many fashion brands trying to become more sustainable to build a better and greener world for us to live in. this is a wonderful documentary opens the viewers eyes to the realities of both the negative and positive aspects of the fashion world.

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